Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ronnie Magro Wrestling Debut Upcoming!

Ronnie Magro, the stocky Jersey Shore star known for pummeling random drunk guys will have his shot in the ring sometime soon, and we?ve got the details. It seems like a match made in heaven. Take a guy known for screaming, ripping off his shirt, and threatening people, and you get him involved in an organized wrestling match. I mean, let?s be honest, he isn?t exactly the brightest crayon in the box, so you might as well find a good use for him. According to reports, Ronnie has been asked to appear on TNA Impact Wrestling, which is the same show that J-WOWW and Angelina were on in the past. This isn?t exactly like being asked on Monday Night Raw, but it will have to do for now. If you have been following the show, you know Ronnie has some anger issues. Even if you believe the story that people were really asking for it, it is still clear that he gets some kind of pleasure beating the crap out of people. I think he is a perfect fit for wrestling because of how he likes to throw things around the room. There have been a bunch of times where [...]


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