Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Best Tips Small Business Consultant ... - Business Management Blog

What is SEO? A small business consultant can help you with your Search Engine Optimisation. Optimising your website so that search engines see your site and send traffic to it is a very good and very coveted thing.

Without SEO you?re leaving your site?s fate to chance. Unless, that is, you?re prepared to pay for all of your traffic through paid advertising sources. Yes, paid advertising can be effective but nothing is quite as effective as having Google tell your prospects that your site is the most relevant site for their search.

Whilst it?s not likely that you can effectively manipulate the search engines to bend to your whim, a small business consultant knows how to increase the chances of SEO success. Here are some tips:

? Keyword Research. Do research on the words and phrases that are being searched on by your target demographic. Highly searched phrases that aren?t highly competitive are your best bet. If you can rank well for a few of these sorts of phrases you can start getting more targeted traffic. By searching for phrases that aren?t too competitive but that DO have a good volume of searches, you can quickly rise the rankings.

? Social Networking. Social networking sites provide a great SEO opportunity. Fill out online profiles, use your URL, and network with others. These sites can help you build valuable backlinks and can help your website links go viral, which can help you increase your page rank with Google and other major search engines.

? Update Your Content Often. Don?t settle for a static website. Google?s search engine spiders react best to continually updated websites. Your content will help you drive a continuous steram of traffic to your site. Blogs are an excellent source of traffic and great for SEO, for example.

? Build backlinks. Not only is it important for you to have an active and content-rich website but you should continually build links that point to your site. Syndicated articles directories are an excellent source of content and backlinks. They help you drive targeted traffic and search engines to your site as well as help you build authority in your niche.

How will you improve your traffic levels? If you?re interested in hiring a small business consultant, this could be a great way to help your business in multiple ways, such as SEO, pay per click advertising, website content, direct mail marketing, and other areas as well.


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