Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How To Say No To Food - Low Calorie Diet

When you?re trying to lose weight it seems like temptation is all around: co-workers offering you treats, relatives baking you goodies and even your spouse stocking the cupboards with junk food.

Before you go blaming those closest to you for sabotaging your diet, realize that food is often the center piece of relationships.? Think about it ? family gatherings are usually coupled with a large meal, co-workers and after work happy hour drinks go hand in hand and what?s a date without first having dinner?? The list goes on?

Now, that doesn?t mean you have to ditch your diet every time someone or some event throws food in your face.? You just need to learn how to say no to food and/or choose healthier options.

Let?s take a look at a few popular scenarios where it?s hard to say no to food and see how you can resist temptation.? Many of these ideas offer a way to turn down food or choose a healthier option without actually having to utter the word ?No?, which makes it a lot easier to deal with.

At Work

You spend on average a third of your day at work so it?s good to have a plan for those office potlucks, when a co-worker brings in donuts, office parties and so on.

You may first want to ask that all treats brought in stay in the break room.? Simply put, out of sight, out of mind.? Plus, studies show that when you see food you are more likely to eat it.

If your office is throwing a party then bring a healthy, low calorie dish for you to eat.? Or eat before you go and simply say ?No thanks, I?m full? when somebody offers you food.

If there is a particular goodie that you really have your eye on then go ahead and take a few bites and throw the rest.? You can still enjoy your favorite foods, just enjoy in moderation.

When Eating Out

The good thing about eating out is you have the option to order a light and healthy meal (at most restaurants).? But, if you?ve ever tried? to order a light salad with a group of friends I?m sure you?ve heard a few remarks about your meal choice. So, keep the conversation away from what you?re eating.? Basically, don?t make a big deal about what you?re eating and your friends likely won?t either.

If you do splurge a little while eating out just make up for it later by eating a light dinner or upping the intensity in your workout that day.? A little planning can save you hundreds of calories!? Check out our ultimate guide to healthy fast food eating for more ideas.

During Holidays And Family Gatherings

Saying no to food can be tough during holidays and family gatherings that are centered around food like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Fourth of July. Luckily, with a little planning you can navigate through these gatherings without blowing your diet.

Try filling up on fruits and vegetables before attending holiday parties.? Or if there?s a veggie tray at the party hit that up first (maybe even offer to bring one).? The high fiber and water content will fill you up without all the calories, so you?re less likely to overindulge on high calorie goodies later.

If you happen to overeat at your holiday lunch just plan on having a light dinner to make up for it.? And remember, it?s OK to try a slice of grandma?s famous pumpkin pie.? It wouldn?t be a holiday meal without it!? Just limit yourself to one small slice and slowly eat it.? Check out our healthy holiday eating tips for more ideas.

At Happy Hour

You can enjoy a few drinks and even an appetizer during happy hour with your friends if you plan ahead!? Aim to drink only a couple low calorie beers or low calorie mixed drinks and if you eat an appetizer just make that your dinner.

After you?ve consumed your few drinks just switch to club soda and lime and your friends will be none the wiser.? Just remember that once you have a few drinks it can be easy to let your guard down and let your inhibitions go!

How To Say No To Family And Friends

Sometimes the people who have the hardest time dealing with your diet are those closest to you.? There are many different reasons, for example, your spouse may be afraid that if you lose weight you may develop a wandering eye.? Or perhaps, your mom shows affection through baking goodies for you.

Whatever the reason is, you need to explain to them your situation and that their support is needed!? You don?t want to have to tell them ?No? time after time, so getting them on board and offering support rather than temptation is key to staying on your diet and creating healthy habits that last a lifetime.

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