Thursday, August 18, 2011

Popular Diet Myths Busted! (Slimming News)

Americans are obsessed with weight loss diets and dropping the pounds as fast as possible. According to a leading website (, approximately 80 million Americans every year opt for weight loss diets, spending nearly 40 billion dollars on diets and health programs. With Americans choosing to be closely associated with weight loss diets, health and fitness, one would think that they have authentic information about healthy living. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Diet plan myths have made their way into magazines, books and websites containing information about healthy living and fast weight loss. We believe that if you want to embrace healthy living, you should first identify the diet plan myths and thereafter take the required steps for fast weight loss.? Read on to know more about diet myths.

Skipping Meals- One of the most common diet plan myths (that is long-standing as well) is that skipping meals is essential for fast weight loss. However, the fact remains is that skipping meal, does not contribute to healthy living and fast weight loss in any way. According to a report (by National Institutes of Health?s Weight-Control Information Network), starving may make you pack on pounds, instead of fulfilling your desire for fast weight loss. Eating 4-5 small meals throughout the day will contribute towards healthy living and fast weight loss as well.

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Tinesha Evans -
About the Author:

Tinesha Evans is a fitness coach and is associated with the fitness industry for around a decade. Tinesha has published various articles about health and fitness,


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